Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Wednesday Sharing #3 And Mckenna's Crazy Hair Day

Hi friends,it's Wednesday and time for Wednesday Sharing and today Mckenna is gonna show you some funny hair moment of her's lol :D This week I have got only one picture which is from Rose Colfesh! Go checkout her blog too:Loving Your American Girl Doll 

Hi!!! It's me Mckenna,how are you humans? I was having a messy hair day uhhh beacause I couldn't brush my hair properly,here is the pic that shows how I look in my messy hair-
After wards I wanted to look like Kit Kittredge,she is my fave Historical AG doll :) Do you like her? Here is the pic-

Finally I decided to be a good girl oops doll and brush my hair nicely! This is how I looked after brushing my hair neatly :)

Bye humans and dollies,thats all for now! Have a dollie day :)



  1. Hehe I loved your hairstyles McKenna. :)

    Thanks for including my photo. :D


  2. Cute~!! And thanks so much for following my blog! I'll totally follow yours!! ^^

    Hope you have an amazing day~!!!


    1. Thanks,your welcome! Thanks a lot for following my blog too :) :)
      Hope you have an great day too! <3 <3 <3

  3. Cute! Love the hair!
    I'm SO SORRY! I forgot to send one in!

    1. Thanks Delaney,its okay send one this time :)

  4. I love the pictures! I have to get that outfit for Kenna sometime! BTW, I nominated/tagged you today! Just check out my blog for all the information you need to know!

    1. Thanks!!! Of course you should get it,thanks for nominationg me too :)

  5. Hey McKenna! You're expired now :( and I didn't get you. D: I desperatly want you so, i'm looking on ebay. It's just not the same, though :(. But, anyways, Kit is my favorite historical doll, too! She was my first ag doll(out of currently 4)and is ADORABLE! I can't beleve she is now a month older than 6! I NEED YOU KENNA!


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