Friday, 21 September 2012

Asmita's Fave Links #7 and Some Great Videos to Checkout!

Hi friends,I know I am late for the Asmita's fave Links as its gonna be Saturday and it was scheduled on Friday :p So lets move on and see our five fave links for this week-

1.My Dolls~Photo shoot-By Rose,such an awesome photo shoot! I can't choose a fave one ;)
2.Cute Gilly-By Pretty Lily,get well soon Gilly and good review of the Butterfly PJ's :)
3.A hidden friendship (a photo story)-By Delaney,great photostory dear :) I think you should make photostories often!
4.Collage Monday September 17th Edition-By Dakota,lovely collage <3
5.Mckenna Loves These Blogs #1-By Katie,Katie's doll Mckenna started something new named (mckenna loves these blogs) go nd check it out :)

That's all for now,nothing much!  But below I would like all of you to see some videos that I say yesterday I really love them all but one of them is by Toni Elission and showed how to make Rainbow Macaroon cake that's great!
This video is by Basilmentos,please go checkout her channel she makes great videos!

This video is by Toni Ellison,checkout her channel for more info!

Bye friends <3 :D


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