Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Caroline Abott Release and New Winter Items

Hi friends,today is 4th september the day when Caroline Abott releases!!!! In the AG website all the pictures of her cool but expensive items are given so below take a look at them:

My fave items were the Caroline's Travel outfit and basket and Caroline's holiday gown :) Which items were your fave? 

From the winter items,I can't choose a fave all are gorgeous!!! :) :)
Thats all for now,Have a great Tuesday :) 

Bye friends! <3 :D


  1. At first I didn't want Caro. But now, I MUST GET HER!
    "Mom, where's your credit card?"

  2. I would ask for her for the holidays, but I've already asked for McKenna's beam and Bar, and all of McKenna's clothes and accessories (except for her bed) and I think that's too much, so I can't ask for Caroline. But I usually get money from my dad (divorced parents) so maybe I could take that money, and buy Caroline. I don't know, I need fifty more dollars..........


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